Learn How To Rewire Your Wealth, Live Life To The Fullest And Regain Confidence With Money

How to build confidence around money - know how much you make and how to save it and spend it wisely

Most women will never have a sense of peace, joy and confidence around their money. Why? Because they are making all the typical mistakes - too much stress about money, feeling dread around their financial situation, overspending or hordeing, a growing debt and working hard to get out of it.

Unless you are immune to stress and failure, zero worries about life and how you spend your income... Most of the advice you see or read is completely useless to you. In fact, it's deadly and unproductive.  As a heart-centered woman, you don't have time to waste.

That's why you need to be honest with yourself, and stop living pay check to pay check, use the button and start taking ACTION.

Solving the 3 problems women face 

Rewire your wealth was designed to solve the 3 most common problems women are dealing with.


  • "I work my fingers to the bone to fuel a materialistic lifestyle I no longer want."
  •  "I know what to do in my community but I feel paralyzed to give generously."
  • ​"NO TIME! Too much debts, stress, priorities with friends, kids, families. They are endless."
  • ​"How can I finally stop comparing myself to others, be at peace and live from a place of wholeness?"
  • "I still feel ​embarrassed, ashamed, and insecure among my friends. Maybe I need to make more money to feel better."
  • ​"I need to buy more things to be happy."
If this sounds familiar, don't worry – you're not alone. Join our intensive 12-week coaching program that has been carefully put together to solve your financial problems and help you find peace of mind.
In this program, we have found a way to get to the root of your money issues by strategically targeting and strengthening your subconscious about the ways of money and, secondly, deepen your financial literacy and acumen.

Over the 12 weeks you will learn how to…
Overcome Your Personal
Money Mythology
You will learn the origin of your money issues in myths that are keeping you back and, majorly, you will learn how to set yourself free. To be truly financially literate, you have to find that line where your financial emotions meet your real needs. We will eliminate irrational unconscious attitudes concerning money and set your finance free.
Become Financially Literate

We will help you secure lifetime access to Canada's top schools for financial literacy. You get a surefooted education on money where you're guided by proven financial industry leaders, you will be put through step by step on your journey towards financial literacy. You will learn about savings, investment, financial vehicles, and financial opportunities that you never knew where within your reach.
Shift Your Mindset

We have a counseling system that rewires your psyche about money. These include hypnotherapy tracks and mindfulness practices to keep in tune for wealth creation and freedom.
Design Your Own Personalized
Money Ecosystem 
We will help in creating a financial ecosystem that is mostly automatic. This system is powerful. It will increase your financial inflow, and on the other hand, help you create a buffer against unforeseen setbacks. Your financial ecosystem will be a savings and spending plan that aligns with your values and goals for the future.
  •  Unlimited access to recorded modules and pdfs 
  • ​2 live Q & A calls per week
  • 24/7 access to 1-on-1 helpdesk support: Your submitted questions and your completed homework are answered by a coach or Brenda. 
  • Visualization and hypnotic suggestion audios help you get your subconscious fully on board and bust through any negative programming that’s holding you back.
  • ​Lifetime access to all audios, templates, forms, spreadsheets and the online financial literacy school, including all future updates.
  • ​Once you have immersed yourself in this work fully, you’re in the position to walk with peace, joy, and confidence with money
  • 12 weeks of powerful support on multiple levels via the live calls, helpdesk and private Facebook group.
  • ​You are sure of getting a well mapped-out system that you can trust to get you to the point of financial freedom.                                                                  But you will have to show enthusiasm and do the work.
  • ​Once you have immersed yourself in this work fully, you’re in the position to walk with peace, joy and confidence with money.
  • ​Ask for all the help you need. Much of the magic in this program is the customized support you get as you learn these new skills, strategies, and ways of thinking.
This program has been prepared for a certain type of person.  We will be creating systems with your money and strategies to strengthen those frameworks. Therefore, this program is tailored towards average to high-income earners or savers. 
Here are a few more ways that you know this program IS for you:
  • You stress and worry over money and this leaves you feeling constantly paralyzed and overwhelmed. 
  • ​You are a heart-centered person who cares about progress within your family, your community and the planet. 
  • ​You want your life to leave a positive legacy.
  • ​You are willing to show up, to commit to the lessons, be coached, and follow the systems—these are a MUST.
While you get ready to participate in this program, we have successfully created a proven system and framework that will offer you deep and continuous support to help you assimilate and put into practice the conscious strategies and subconsciously rewired psyche to create fluidity with the inflow and meaningful use of your money.
If you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out
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